University Police Department

In the event of a campus emergency call UWA Police at (205) 652-5555
If you have an anonymous tip on any crime or safety issues on campus, please call the Campus Police Tip Hotline: (205) 652-3819
Public Safety Mission Statement
We, the members of the University of West Alabama Police Department, exist to serve all people within our jurisdiction with respect, fairness and compassion. We are committed to the prevention of crime, the protection of life and property; the preservation of peace, order and safety; the enforcement of laws and ordinances and the safeguarding of constitutional guarantees.
With community service as our foundation, we are driven by goals to enhance the quality of life, investigating problems as well as incidents, seeking solutions and fostering a sense of security in community and individuals. We nurture public trust by holding ourselves to the highest standards of performance and ethics.
To fulfill its mission, the University of West Alabama Police Department is dedicated to improving a quality work environment and development of its members through effective training, technology and leadership.
Emergency Contact List
In the event of an emergency, please consult this Emergency Contact List. If possible, state the nature of the emergency, location (building and room number), name, phone number, and any other pertinent information.
Craiger House
147 University Drive
Livingston, AL 35470
Register Your Vehicle
All vehicles operated on UWA campus must be appropriately registered with the University Police Department and display a current UWA or University Charter School decal or hang tag; 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Are you a visitor? Complete the Visitor Vehicle Registration Form no later than 48 hours prior to visitation to receive an E-parking Pass. Day of parking pass requests must be submitted in person at Craiger House.
Traffic Rules and Regulations
Any person who owns, operates, and parks a motor vehicle on the University of West Alabama (UWA) property submits fully to all rules and regulations.
Lost & Found
Missing something? We just might have it. Check out our Lost & Found to find out.
Parking Permit Information
Permit Type | Cost |
Community |
Free |
Commuter | $25 |
UWA Faculty & Staff | $10 |
Graduate Assistants | $10 |
On Campus Residence Halls | $15 |
UCS Faculty & Staff | $10 |
UCS Students | $10 |
Decal Colors & Assigned Lots
From 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. (Monday-Friday) vehicles must be parked in the zone categorized by the color of the decal.
RED decals are issued to students residing in Gilbert Hall. Red decals may park in the University Housing Areas (Gilbert Hall only).
GOLD decals are issued to students residing in Reed and Selden Halls. Gold decals may park in the Spieth/Reed parking lots only.
YELLOW Decals are issued to students living in Hoover Apartments. Yellow decals should park in the designated Hoover parking lot and lower Wallace Hall lot. May also park in the McConnell Guest House lot or behind Sisk Hall.
During restricted hours, Yellow decals are allowed to park in lower Wallace Hall parking lot, behind Tutwiler Library, McConnell Guest House lot or behind Sisk Hall only.
The University Police will strictly enforce this rule, and there will not be an appeal for these tickets. Permission may be granted to those students with special projects for class, but they must contact the University Police Department before parking in these areas.
PURPLE decals are issued to students living in Stickney Hall. Purple decals may park in white zones only in residence hall lots and designated lower Wallace Hall lot.
LIGHT TEAL decals are issued to students living in Patterson Apartments. Light Teal decals may park in white zones only in Patterson parking lot and Gilbert Hall lot.
ORANGE decals are issued to members of the community. Orange decals may park in white zones.
GREEN decals are issued to faculty and staff of The University of West Alabama. Faculty and staff found abusing this privilege by purchasing green decals for non-faculty/staff use will be fined $100.00. Green decals may park in the green zones and white zones for overflow.
Royal BLUE decals are issued to students, faculty, and staff who are certified for accessible parking by the State in which the individual resides. Spaces have been identified throughout campus, specifically for people with disabilities. To park in a handicapped parking space, you must have a UWA (BLUE) DECAL and one of the following: a state-issued disability license plate or a state-issued disability hang displayed on the rearview mirror.
GRAY Decals are issued only those Graduate Assistants officially recognized by the School of Graduate Studies. NO EXCEPTIONS. Gray decals may park in the green zones and white zones for overflow.
GREEN UCS decals with the UCS logo are issued to UCS employees and should park in the designated area at University Charter School or on School Street, behind Sisk Hall and Common Grounds parking lot.
White UCS decals with the UCS logo are issued to UCS students and should park at University Charter School.
Visitors on campus may use spaces other than Green or Yellow. Handicapped spaces may be used if a handicapped placard is visible. Visitors must obtain a temporary parking permit from the University Police Department located at the Craiger House.
Frequently Asked Questions
Vehicle Registration
Your UWA ID is located at the bottom of your ID card. It is only the first seven digits.
Usernames cannot be reset after account has been set up. If you forgot your username, you can request it by calling or emailing UPD.
205-652-3602 or
On the login page, click “reset password” and enter your seven- digit ID number or your username. A reset link will be sent to the email you registered with.
Emails cannot be changed in the driver portal after an account has been registered. You can, however, request your email on file, or request an email change on your account through UPD. To do so contact us at 205-652-3602 or by email at
Vehicles cannot be edited during a permit order. Changes must be made before starting an order.
On the top right of the homepage, click the person icon then click “my account”
Click on the vehicle you wish to edit and an “edit” icon will appear
On the top right of the homepage, click the person icon then click “my account”
Click on the “+” symbol above currently listed vehicles
*If you have reached your vehicle limit and cannot add any more, you will have to edit an existing vehicle that is no longer being driven on campus.
There are two types of citations: a warning and a ticket.
Warning citations:
- Review Rules & Regulations if needed to ensure you understand how to prevent further citations.
- If you are still unsure or have any questions please contact us at (205) 652-3602 M-F 8am-3:45pm or and we will respond within the next business day.
With fined citations drivers have two options: appeal the citation or pay the fine.
- Review the Rules & Regulations appeal guidelines and list of unacceptable appeal grounds.
- If you feel that your situation does not meet the unacceptable appeals criteria, submit an appeal.
- Appeals must be submitted through the driver portal. The link will be printed at the bottom of the citation. A link will also be sent to the email you registered the vehicle with.
- Email/Verbal appeals will not be accepted.
- Appeals are sent every Friday to the Appeals Committee consisting of Faculty and Students not affiliated with the University Police Department. All appeals are kept anonymous. (note that appeals submitted earlier in the week will be sent out the following Friday.)
- After review and deliberation by the committee, a decision will be emailed back to you within approximately one week after committee submission. (Fridays)
- This communication will be sent to the email used to submit the appeal.
- The committee will make one of three decisions: reject the appeal, approve the appeal and waive citation, or downgrade the citation to a warning. All decisions by the committee are final.
Rejected: Your appeal has been deemed unacceptable and your fine must be paid.
Approved and waived: Your appeal has been deemed acceptable and your citation has been waived.
Downgraded: Your appeal has been deemed acceptable and your fine has been waived.
Citation will still appear on your record as a warning.
Citations can be paid three ways:
- Directly to University Police at Craiger House located at 147 University Dr. by cash or check ONLY M-F 8am-3:45pm.
- In the driver portal- see Campus Police homepage for link. (Also linked at bottom of printed ticket.)
- At Student Accounts via cash, check, or card in person, or by card over the phone.
Student Accounts ph. (205) 652-3841.
Citations must be paid within 5 days excluding holidays and weekends from time and date of issuance or of notification of appeal decision.
Fines paid after the 5 days will be subject to a one- time late fee of $10.
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