Office of Sponsored Programs, Research & Outreach
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The Office of Sponsored Programs, Research & Outreach, known as OSPRO, is a vital part of the UWA campus. OSPRO is a service division providing assistance to faculty, staff and students seeking external funds through proposal development and aid in the management of awarded grants. OSPRO is here to facilitate and enhance the grant writing process with experience and oversight. We want to help you do something that matters!
Get Started On Your Grant
Submitting a Proposal
If you have identified a funder or sponsor, find everything you need to know about submitting a grant proposal.
When submitting a proposal or accepting an award, you as the investigator as well as UWA as the fiscal agent, are committing to a number of assurances, certifications, terms, and conditions. It is very important that the investigator understand these compliance issues before submission and before award.
Award Management
If you have a grant application that has been awarded, find instructions for guidance on how to manage the award here.
Finding Funding
OSPRO Seed Grants
The Office of Sponsored Programs, Research & Outreach offers seed grants to faculty and staff to develop small research and outreach projects. Awards are made in the Spring and Fall.
Grant Search Engines
Managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is an E-government initiative that provides a centralized location for grant seekers to find and apply for federal funding opportunities.

Foundation Directory
The Foundation Directory Online is a service of the Foundation Center, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering and increasing knowledge about philanthropy. We house a database of over 140,000 grantmakers, updated weekly, with multiple filters and an assessment tool to help you quickly identify funding sources.
Username: uwatigers | Password: uwaosp2011

InfoEd Global
InfoEd Global is a solution for researchers who desire to spend less time doing the arduous steps of searching but still be presented with well-suited matches for funding opportunities. The SPIN Global Suite is comprised of SPIN, the world’s largest database of funding opportunities, and SMARTS, which logically draws upon SPIN to deliver opportunities that match your funding criteria.
Contact OSPRO for login information.

Grants Resource Center
A not-for-profit service of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, the Grants Resource Center houses information on grants and management for institutions of higher education. Contact OSPRO for username and password information.
Username: UWA | Password: Deadline
Submitting a Grant Proposal
Financial Management
Quick Facts and Stock Statements
IRB – New Protocol Application
IRB – Project Description Template
IRB – Informed Consent Template
Waiver of Parental Consent Template
Intellectual Property Waiver
Invention Disclosure Form
Cost Sharing Authorization Form
Time & Effort Certification Form
Confidentiality Agreement
Statement of Potential Conflict of Interest Form
Meet the Team

Rodney Granec
Executive Director
(205) 652-5392
Webb Hall 202

Chris Theriot
Director of Grants and Resource Development Liaison
(205) 652-3950
Webb Hall 229A

Hoda Hassan
Grants Specialist
(205) 652-3418
Webb Hall 201