The rates for residence halls and meal plans for the 2024 – 2025 school year are shown above. Please note that all rates are subject to change until approved by the UWA Board of Trustees each June. The rates listed are per person, per semester, based on double occupancy (unless otherwise noted).
Freshmen students are required to have the Tiger Access Meal Plan, which provides unlimited meals in the CAF during its hours of operation. Upperclass students must have at least the Tiger Block Meal Plan but may choose the Tiger Access Meal Plan instead. The Tiger Block Meal Plan allows students to use 150 meals and 10 guest meals per semester at the CAF. Hoover residents who have lived on campus for at least two semesters can choose to have no meal plan. This option will be available for eligible students in the MyHousing portal two weeks before Registration Day and must be chosen no later than Registration Day each semester.