Study of basic concepts of health, wellness and physical fitness including principles of endurance, strength, flexibility and cardiorespiratory/vascular training, stress management and lifetime fitness needs. The student will develop a personal plan for lifetime fitness and wellness.
There are athletes, then there are those who manage everything around them. With a UWA Sport Management (BA/BS) degree, you’ll build your knowledge of every facet of the sports world.
When you complete the Sport Management (BA/BS) degree program, you’ll have an educational background that gives you the skills to obtain an entry-level position within any of the following areas: Scholastic Sports, Intercollegiate Sports, Professional Sport Organizations Administration, Fitness Management, Facility and Event Management, Community Recreation Administration, Sport Retail and Marketing, Sport Economics and Analytics and Entrepreneurship.
When you major in Sport Management, you can also receive a minor in Business Administration, which will further help you land a job in one of the most exciting career fields out there.
Visit the Academic Catalog for information regarding program admission requirements, prerequisites, course offerings and more.
Available as a Minor
Learn about the Minor in Sport Management ComprehensiveProgram Facts
Program Format
On Campus, Online
Start Term
Spring, Summer and Fall semesters
Tuition Cost
Number of Credits
120 hours
Academic Calendars
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Sample Courses
PE251 Concepts of Health, Wellness and Fitness
3 Credits
SM200 Introduction to Sport Management
3 Credits
Principles and practices associated with sport management. Emphasis on technology within sport management and career choices are discussed.
SM465 Psychology and Sociology of Human Performance
3 Credits
Psychological and sociological aspects of human performance. Prerequisites: AH200 or EX200 or HPE200 or PE200 or SM200 and six hours from the following: Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Physical Education and/or Sport Management.
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Career Outlook
Students who choose to pursue a sport management career may find careers as a Head Coach, Athletic Director, Senior Women’s Administrator, Athletic Academic Counselor, Sports Information Director, Recruiting Coordinator, Facilities Manager, Events Manager, Equipment Manager, Ticket Sales Director, Sports Marketing Director, Sport Website Coordinator, Sport Equipment Sales Representative, Sport Agent and Fitness Center Manager.

Financial Aid & Scholarships
Financial aid and scholarships provide invaluable opportunities for students to pursue higher education and achieve their academic goals. Financial aid encompasses various forms of assistance, including grants and fellowships, loans, work-study programs and scholarships. Financial aid and scholarships alleviate the financial burden of tuition fees, textbooks and living expenses, making higher education more accessible to students from diverse backgrounds. By supporting students’ financial needs, universities foster a culture of inclusivity, equal opportunity and lifelong learning.
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