Assistance provided by appointment only through April 15
University of West Alabama accounting students will offer free income tax help until April 15 through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program sponsored by the IRS.
Through this program, UWA students and faculty will serve clients and prepare individual state and federal income tax returns at no charge. VITA is designed to help individuals with disabilities or with a low or limited income, as well as non-English speaking and elderly taxpayers.
“We encourage people to use this free service offered by the UWA College of Business and Technology to west Alabama and east Mississippi communities,” said Sharon Stipe, UWA accounting professor and VITA Site Coordinator. “We have adapted operations this year to accommodate tax filers while following guidelines for our campus’s health and safety.”
The VITA clinic offers income tax return preparation and e-filing services by appointment only. Appointments are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. until noon and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. Once a client has made an appointment, they will receive instructions, including the materials required and day-of-appointment protocol that must be followed, including social distancing and curbside minimal contact.
“We want everyone to know they don’t have to pay an income tax preparation chain to file their taxes, when UWA offers the same service at no cost,” Stipe said. “This year’s schedule offers more flexibility than we ever have, with time slots available each business day of the week.”
The University’s VITA clinic primarily serves residents of Choctaw, Greene, Marengo, Pickens and Sumter counties, but residents of east Mississippi are also welcome.
For more information or to make an appointment, please call the VITA clinic at 205-652-3846 and leave a message with callback information, or email vita@uwa.edu.