Faculty/Staff News

Dr. Mustafa Morsy in lab

Famine didn’t mar the childhood of Dr. Mustafa Morsy, a professor of biology at the University of West Alabama. Food for his family in Alexandria, Egypt, was readily available. “I was always thankful as middle-class people growing up that my dad was able to feed us,” he said.   

Kate Crawford , the new coordinator of Counseling Services at the University of West Alabama, has arrived in Livingston at a time when campus counselors may have never been more indispensable.
Dr. Ashley Dumas at archaeological site

Generations of archaeologists have long sought the historical Holy Grail of the Battle of Mabila, the Alabama site where Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto defeated Chief Tuskaloosa and his Native American warriors in 1540.

University of West Alabama Athletic Trainer and Instructor Erin Miller has been selected by the American Sports Medicine Institute in the recently established R.T. Floyd ASMI Athletic Training Residency Program. Announced by Dr. James R. Andrews of the Andrews Sports Medicine Orthopaedic Center, this highly competitive program will train the next generation of physician practice athletic trainers.
RT Floyd Manual of Structural Kinesiology

University of West Alabama professor and athletic trainer Dr. R.T. Floyd has just published a new edition of a textbook that has come to serve as a cornerstone of athletic training, physical education and health science curricula across the nation.

Each spring, the University of West Alabama recognizes its retiring faculty and staff in a formal ceremony with family, friends, and colleagues. Like many events of 2020, the ceremony could not be held this spring due to health and safety restrictions related to gathering on campus.
University of West Alabama President Ken Tucker has been appointed by Governor Kay Ivey to the Alabama STEM Council, which will advise state leadership on ways to improve STEM-related education, career awareness and workforce development opportunities across the state.
Donald Smith

The University of West Alabama has announced the appointment of Donald Smith as coach of its cheerleading team. Smith assumed the graduate assistant position in August, having spent the last five years in coaching and game day strategy roles.

The University of West Alabama presented four prestigious awards to members of its faculty and staff during the Dec. 2 Board of Trustees quarterly meeting at Bell Conference Center. The Loraine McIlwain Bell Trustee Awards and the Nellie Rose McCrory Service Excellence Award were presented to distinguished employees.

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