Faculty/Staff News
- Posted 11.06.23
- 5 minute read time
- Posted 10.02.23
- 9 minute read time
- Posted 09.22.23
- 6 minute read time
What happens when you combine thousands of pieces of clay shaped like a small, sweet and chewy gelatin-based candy? One of Jessica Smith’s unique ceramic sculptures of course.
- Posted 07.11.23
- 2 minute read time
- Posted 06.16.23
- 9 minute read time
- Posted 05.30.23
- 5 minute read time
Upon hearing that she’d won the University of West Alabama’s most prestigious faculty award, Dr. Amanda Pendergrass walked to the lectern and addressed the commencement crowd.
- Posted 05.12.23
- 8 minute read time
The hints inside Dr. Richard Schellhammer’s crowded campus office aren’t subtle. They reveal personal secrets: who he is, what he adores, how he fills his days. History books bloat his bookshelves. Framed trinkets of his academic expertise -- pre-World War I Germany -- hang near the desk.
- Posted 04.12.23
- 5 minute read time
- Posted 04.04.23
- 12 minute read time
Young, recently married and rich only in aspirations, the Woodruffs once lived in Monticello, a college town about 40 miles west of the Mississippi River. Nick, a graduate assistant at the University of Arkansas at Monticello, had been promoted to assistant coach of the Boll Weevils’ men’s basketball team. Kristen had a job -- in Ohio -- but resigned to join her husband’s career dream.