Campus Activities Canceled for Saturday, March 15 due to expected severe weather for the region

Engineering Technology News

A self-proclaimed “girly girl,” Holley attended a performing arts high school where she studied dance before carving out her path at the University of West Alabama (UWA). Now, she’s proving that traditional gender roles in male-dominated fields can be defied with determination and skill.  
At the University of West Alabama, Donnie Cobb and technology education are so intertwined that it is impossible not to mention both in the same breath. Cobb is retiring as chair of the Division of Engineering and Technology at UWA, after more than three decades at his alma mater. UWA President Ken Tucker awarded Cobb’s Professor Emeritus honors at this spring’s Distinguished Service Awards for faculty and staff
One way The University of West Alabama’s Division of Engineering and Technology ensures that they help students graduate and become better all-around employees is through expertise offered by their E&T advisory board. The board comprises 15 Alabama industry professionals, eight of whom are UWA alumni and now work for corporations like WestRock, Volkert Engineering, Two River’s Lumber, Cemex and Lavender, Inc.
Sixty miles separate the University of West Alabama from Shelton State Community College’s campus, but a new agreement between those institutions is opening a pathway for engineering students who want to further their education in Livingston.
Engineering Technology, Industrial Maintenance recognized for offering top quality educational opportunities
Ruffin and Robbins at ORNL

Two University of West Alabama engineering technology students recently participated in a 10-week paid internship at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee, the largest U.S. Department of Energy science and energy laboratory. While there, the students worked the laboratory’s specialized areas of scientific discovery, clean energy solutions and security technologies.

UWA welding students in lab

Students in the University of West Alabama’s welding certificate program recently received a boost of confidence when officials from a national shipbuilding operation visited campus to assess their skills. When tested, 75 percent of the students passed the test and were offered a job with Huntington Ingalls Industries.

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