Campus Activities Canceled for Saturday, March 15 due to expected severe weather for the region

College of Education News

University of West Alabama administrators have spent months planning the launch of a new program, UWA-TEACH, that’s designed to increase the quality of science and math instruction in public schools and the number of qualified teachers in those classrooms.
By the time fall arrives on the University of West Alabama campus, Dr. Reenay Rogers and her College of Education colleagues expect their newest endeavor to be worth the excitement it’s generating this winter.
The University of West Alabama’s College of Education has been selected by the Kern Family Foundation for a $1.74 million philanthropic grant to fund an initiative designed to help strengthen rural education in UWA’s Black Belt footprint.
Dr. Jan Miller is ecstatic that a renowned education association has accredited a degree program in the University of West Alabama’s Julia S. Tutwiler College of Education. She’s not satisfied, though. One isn’t enough.
It’s the underdogs, Dr. Jodie Winship says, who tug at her heart, the unpopular, the excluded, the downtrodden, the people whose circumstances often separate them from the rest. Her explanation is quite organic. “We were poor growing up and didn’t have a lot,” she says, “so I was always for that kid who didn’t have it.”
There’s a symmetry that often blossoms between sisters, shared commonalities that become unmistakable. Ebony Ware-Parks and Kiera Ware could have enjoyed such a uniformity when they chose colleges.
The University of West Alabama has been awarded $6.5 million in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Education for a teacher residency project, Project REACh, that will be led by the Tutwiler College of Education. Project REACh, Residencies for Educating Alabama’s Children, will be a $13-million-dollar project for prospective Alabama’s educators. The funding will be disbursed over a five-year period.
UCS After School Campbell

Students at the University of West Alabama are being offered part-time job opportunities to help lead after school programs at University Charter School for the upcoming academic year. The opportunity is open to students in any academic major, and opportunities will be based on their areas of experience.

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