Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Check-In: 9:00 AM UWA Admissions Tour Center
Conference: 9:30 AM – 1:30PM Bell Conference Center
The University of West Alabama will host its annual High School Leadership Conference designed to give student leaders an opportunity to enhance their personal leadership skills. It will include informative sessions, group sessions, and an opportunity to explore UWA’s campus. This is a free opportunity for student leaders to gain personal development and enhance their skills. HSL seeks to help all students realize their leadership potential.
This conference is open to high school sophomores and juniors who hold leadership positions or are identified as possessing leadership potential. Each school can send up to 8 student delegates. School delegations will register as one group.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will:
- Develop leadership techniques and strategies
- Grow communication skills
- Discover personal leadership styles
Session Topics:
Sessions will be activity-based and focused on the following:
- Developing knowledge of self and others
- Defining leadership
- Developing leadership skills and practices
Tentative Schedule
9:00 – 9:25 AM: Check-in Admissions Tour Center
9:30 AM: Welcome
9:40 – 11:25 AM: First General Session
11:30 – 12:15 PM: Lunch
12:20 PM: General Session
1:00 PM: Closing Ceremony
1:30 PM: Campus Tour (optional)
Sessions will also be available for sponsors in attendance.
Registration is free to all attendees and includes conference materials and lunch. Sessions will also be available for sponsors in attendance.
For more information about this conference, please contact Conner Chapman, Coordinator of on Campus Tour, Orientation, & Special Events, at (205) 652-3806 or cchapman@uwa.edu.