This event has passed. Stay tuned for next year’s Grand Slam Dinner!

This event has passed. Stay tuned for next year’s Grand Slam Dinner!
There is an abundance of information that students need to have a successful college experience, in and out of the classroom. Find that information here.
What inspires you? Learn all about UWA’s Colleges and Divisions, our wide range of degree programs, academic support services and even opportunities to study abroad.
UWA offers a variety of support services, from help with academic needs and technology issues to ensuring the safety of students, faculty and anyone else on campus. Learn more about our departments.
All the information you need before giving us your application, including access to several financial aid resources, fees, supporting documentation needs and links to our Application Portal.
Your UWA education is so much more than going to class. Learn more about the countless opportunities to be a part of something great, from service organizations and Greek Life to clubs and much more.