The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires that universities make available to current and prospective students important information concerning each institution’s academic programs, retention rates, graduation rates, crime reports, financial aid procedures and more in an effort to ensure fairness and transparency for all higher education consumers. The University of West Alabama is committed to providing prospective students, students, their families and the community full disclosure of all consumer information as required by state and federal law.

The laws are intended to satisfy an individual’s right to know and afford the opportunity to make fully informed choices regarding the institutions being reviewed. The University of West Alabama has developed this page to serve as the central portal for obtaining necessary information about our institution. It is our hope that this concerted effort to provide this data will allow all individuals to access the information they need to make the best college decision possible for them and their future.

Additional information can be found in our Student Handbook and Academic Catalogues.

Contact Information for Consumer Information Inquiries



UWA designates an employee or group of employees who are available on a full-time basis to assist enrolled or prospective students in obtaining consumer information.





General Institutional Information

UWA offers many services to students with disabilities, including those with intellectual disabilities. Students should visit with Student Advocacy for more information.

Find more information about the Americans with Disabilities act here:

UWA Discloses the accrediting bodies that approve the institution for postsecondary education here:

UWA’s required information is posted to the College Navigator website here:

UWA makes available information regarding student body diversity, including the percentage of enrolled, full-time students in the following categories:

  • Male
  • Female
  • Self-identified members of a major racial or ethnic group
  • Federal Pell Grant recipients

Learn more about Student Body Diversity here:
and here:

Learn more about The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act here:

Academic Programs

Find a list of undergraduate and graduate programs here:

UWA discloses current degree programs and other educational and training programs, instructional, laboratory, and other physical plant facilities that relate to those academic programs, Faculty and other instructional personnel and any plans by the school for improving the academic program [if determined by the school that such a plan exists].

Access the UWA Faculty and Staff Directory here: 

Transfer credit evaluations are conducted in the Office of the Registrar. The evaluation process begins after a student is admitted as a degree seeking student to the university or has completed the reactivation process with the Office of Registration and Records if a returning UWA student. 

Find Information about our Transfer of Credit Policy here:

Articulation agreements are formalized transfer partnerships that outline the curricular relationship between an accredited institution and UWA. These agreements are intended to facilitate the seamless transfer of credit and reduce credit loss between partnering institutions.  Seamless transfer of credit is best articulated by aligning program to program curricular requirements between institutions.  

Find information about Articulation Agreements here:

UWA has written arrangements with domestic and foreign institutions to assist students in increasing their educational opportunities.

All students who attend UWA have the ability to charge required books and supplies at the UWA bookstore. Several options are available to students such as new, used and rental books to charge at the UWA bookstore against their UWA account.


Visit the Book Store Website here:

Learn more about the Covered Course Materials rental program here:

Student Financial Assistance

Financial aid programs available to students attending UWA are distributed through the following UWA published documents:

Financial Aid funds may be categorized into four basic sources: federal, state, institutional, and private. Learn more about financial aid here:

Private Financial Aid Includes:

Student Eligibility Requirements are listed in the UWA Graduate and Undergraduate Catalogs.

Specific aid applications (i.e., loan applications for Direct Student Loans and scholarship applications) describe eligibility requirements.

To be eligible to receive Federal assistance, a student must:

  • Be enrolled in an eligible program of study.
  • Be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. permanent resident or reside in the U.S. for other than a temporary purpose (supportive documentation may be required to verify residency or citizenship status).
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress in their course of study.
  • Not be in default of any loan or owe a repayment on a Federal Pell Grant or Direct Stafford/PLUS Loan(s).
  • Demonstrate financial need.

Students may obtain criteria used for selecting financial aid recipients and determining award amounts by making an appointment with a Financial Aid Administrator.

Students receiving financial aid have certain rights and responsibilities of which they should be aware.  These rights and responsibilities of students receiving financial aid are listed on the UWA website. Students have the right to know:

  • Financial aid programs available at UWA.
  • Application process which must be followed to be considered for aid.
  • Criteria used to select recipients and calculate need.
  • UWA refund and repayment policy.
  • Policies regarding satisfactory academic progress.
  • Special facilities and services available for the handicapped.

Students are responsible for:

  • Completing all forms accurately and by the published deadlines.
  • Submitting information requested by FA staff in a timely manner.
  • Keeping the FA informed of any changes in address, name, marital status, financial situation, or any change in student status.
  • Reporting to the FA Office any additional assistance from non-University resources such as scholarships, loans, fellowships, and educational benefits.
  • Notifying the FA Center of a change in enrollment status.
  • Maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
    • Re-applying for aid each year.

UWA discloses the cost of attendance at the institution each year here:

UWA discloses the institutional and federal refund policies for students who withdraw from the institution.

Treatment of Title IV Aid When a Student Withdraws

UWA informs eligible borrowers regarding the availability of state grant assistance in Alabama and encourages students to review state grant availability within their state or residence.

View information about State Grant Assistance here:

UWA provides information published by the U.S. Department of Education to students at any time that information regarding loan availability is provided.  The publication includes information about rights and responsibilities of students and schools under Title IV, HEA loan programs. 

Visit the Department of Education’s website for more information:

UWA informs students and parents of loan submission requirements to NSLDS that is accessible to guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system. 

Visit the Department of Education’s website for more information:

UWA provides comprehensive information on the terms and conditions and the borrowers responsibilities for Federal Direct first-time borrowers of a Federal Direct Loan.

Information about Entrance Counseling can be found here:

UWA provides exit counseling with Federal Direct Loan borrowers and graduate or professional student Direct PLUS Loan borrowers shortly before the student borrower ceases at least half-time study at the school.

Information about Exit Counseling can be found here:

UWA works with lenders to notify students of loan disclosures for those seeking private loan programs to assist with costs. Students are notified of truth in lending act information and given a self-certification form upon request.


Learn more about Private Loan Disclosures here:

The University of West Alabama operates under many federal, state, and institutional guidelines. In addition, the office adheres to all ethical practices in all facets of delivering student financial aid. As a member institution of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), the office is bound by the code of conduct as established by our profession.


UWA prepares and discloses its annual Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) report.

Health and Safety

For the safety of our campus community, all students are required to have certain up-to-date immunizations before arriving on campus. As such, all new students must verify their immunization and medical histories through our Student Medical Report and Immunization form. 

Find Immunization Information for New Students here:

The University of West Alabama is committed to providing a campus environment free of the abuse of alcohol and the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs.

In order to promote a safe and efficient educational as well as work environment, the Drug-Free Campus and Workplace Policy Statement has been adopted to supplement existing University policies, practices and procedures.

Implementation of this policy statement is subject to restrictions contained in all local, state, and federal laws. This policy statement is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. 

Learn more about our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program here:

UWA reports and publishes the required security report by October 1 of each year. The report includes Crime Statistics, Timely Warnings and Emergency Notification, Crime Log, and Emergency response and Evacuation Procedures.

View the Annual Safety Reports here:

UWA reports and publishes the above information in the required security report by October 1 of each year.

View the Annual Safety Reports here:

UWA reports and publishes the required fire safety and fire log report by October 1 of each year.

View the Annual Safety Reports here:

Student Outcomes

UWA compiles and submits a report each year with institutional and state information regarding teacher preparation.

See Annual Reporting Measures here (bottom of page).

UWA discloses the graduation rates of degree seeking, or certificate, first-time, full-time undergraduate students by July 1 annually. This information is disaggregated by certain groups of students to maintain compliance.

View Graduation Rates here:

UWA makes available to current and prospective students’ information regarding the placement in employment of, and types of employment obtained by, graduates of the school’s degree or certificate programs.

Since UWA advertises job placement rates as a means of recruiting students to enroll, we make job placement rates available to prospective students, at or before the time the prospective student applies for enrollment.

UWA makes information available to current and prospective students’ information regarding the types of graduate and professional education in which graduates of UWA’s 4-year degree programs enroll. 

UWA makes retention rate information available to current and prospective students that includes those students who are certificate or degree seeking, first-time, undergraduate students as reported to IPEDS.

View our retention rates here:

Voter Registration and Constitution Day

UWA makes a good faith effort to distribute voter registration forms from the state of Alabama to each student enrolled in a recognized degree/certificate program and who are attending. Forms are made available across campus to students at UWA.


UWA requests the forms from the State at least 120 days prior to the deadline for registering to vote within the State. (No liability is placed on the institution if it has not received enough voter forms to fulfill this requirement within 60 days prior to the deadline for registering to vote).

UWA holds Constitution Day annually on September 17, commemorating the September 17, 1787 signing of the Constitution. 
Note: However, when September 17 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, Constitution Day shall be held during the preceding or following week.

Paper copies of any information listed above are available upon request