College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Programs and Initiatives

Cahaba Biodiversity Center
Situated on over 2,100 acres in Bibb County, Alabama, almost all of which is placed in two conservation easements with frontage on the Cahaba River, the property offers a treasure-trove of unique and rare plants and animals, including the endemic Alabama Croton as well as species of fish, mussels, and snails native only to the river. The Center serves as an outdoor classroom and routine field trip destination for students at UWA as well as other universities and institutions. UWA’s Cahaba Biodiversity Center provides students and researchers with a world-class opportunity to study in one of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the country, and in fact, the world!

Academic Research Conference
For over a decade, the Academic Research Conference at UWA invites students from around the globe to showcase their innovative academic research and creative work to establish an archive for their research and assist them in achieving their educational objectives. The Academic Research Conference is a venue that shows the students’ commitment to investigate research questions and show their creative work in a broad scope of disciplines.

West Alabama Onsite Wastewater Training Center
The West Alabama Onsite Wastewater Training Center (WAOWTC) was established in 1997. Based on a growing need for education in the rapidly changing wastewater field, WAOWTC is dedicated to expanding public awareness of water quality issues, with a particular emphasis on wastewater management. Continuing education and online classes are offered each year.

Black Belt STEM Institute
The UWA Black Belt STEM Institute is a powerful regional center for STEM education that aims to serve the hiring needs of employers across Alabama, but especially in the Black Belt. The Institute offers supplemental curricula focused on providing students with real-world learning experiences in the context of developing STEM career opportunities while reinforcing academic standards and skills learned in the classroom.

BOSS II Scholarship
The UWA BOSS II scholarship is designed to support students financially and academically to complete their college degree within four years, ultimately leading to a career in biological or environmental sciences or joining graduate or professional schools.

The College of Education and the College fo Natural Science and Mathematics have partnered with Bevill State Community College and Coastal Alabama Community College on Project INSPIRE (Implementing Novel STEM Practices in Rural Education). INSPIRE is a Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program funded by the National Science Foundation. This program is a response to the critical need for K-12 teachers in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The goal of the Noyce Scholarship Program is to encourage talented STEM students and professionals to pursue teaching careers.

Alabama Student Rural Health Association
ASRHA, the Alabama Rural Health Association, is part of the National Rural Health Association. Through activities, workshops, volunteering and information distribution, the purpose of the group is to address pertinent issues of rural health at the local, state and national levels. The organization provides UWA students from a wide array of academic backgrounds the opportunity for professional development, networking and applied community outreach services.

The Mathematics Laboratory
Also known as the Math Lab, the Mathematics Laboratory is a service provided by the College of Natural Science and Mathematics to assist undergraduate students in their mathematical studies. Resources available include tutoring in a wide range of courses including Introductory Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Pre-Calculus Algebra, Pre-Calculus Trigonometry, and Calculus I; graphing calculators available for check-out; and computers available for tutoring sessions and studying.
Location: The Math and Science Building Room 126
Contact: Math Lab Director, Ms. Kim Giles,

Iota Tau Alpha
The Purpose of Iota Tau Alpha Athletic Training Education Honor Society is the promotion and encouragement of scholarly activity in athletic training and the recognition of outstanding achievement among students enrolled in athletic training education programs. Iota Tau Alpha activities shall be designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment and investigation in Athletic Training Education, and to promote the dissemination of information among students of Athletic Training Education.

Natural History Collection Conservation Club
Our overarching goals are to provide students with the opportunities to gain scientific skills that will build their resumes and to build relationships between students and faculty members within the College of Natural Science and Mathematics.

Physical Education Club
P.E. and health majors come together to network and participate in Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (ASAHPERD) events.

Sports Medicine Club
The University of West Alabama Sports Medicine Club exists to increase the overall outlook of their members’ educational experience by promoting educational activities and developing closer contacts with those involved in the future of the athletic training/sports medicine profession.

Exercise Science Club
By joining the UWA Exercise Science Club, you will assist us in promoting physical activity amongst our campus and the local community. We will sponsor several charitable organizations throughout the year as we continue to promote healthy habits and increased quality of life.

Outdoor Recreation Conservation Association (ORCA)
ORCA is an outdoor club that specializes in the BlackBelt Prairie Restoration project. We have two meetings a month, some classroom gatherings and some outdoor events like bonfires and canoeing. Our purpose is to have interactions with the community and other UWA members, and to assist with any restoration or beautification projects that UWA commences.

Jack Pleasant Greenhouse
The College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics maintains the Jack Pleasant Greenhouse Complex on the UWA Campus to support its educational mission in teaching.

Alabama Plant Atlas
The Alabama Plant Atlas is a joint effort by the Alabama Herbarium Consortium (AHC) and The University of West Alabama to provide users with a comprehensive searchable database of plants that occur in the state of Alabama. Project partners are united by a common need to manage and disseminate vascular and non-vascular plant information with colleagues and the public.

Sumter County Nature Trust
The Sumter County Nature Trust was established in 1985 through a gift from UWA Professors Emeriti, Ralph and Margaret Lyon. The couple, Sumter County natives for over thirty years, chose this avenue as a means of expressing their love for the county, nature, and for people. Committed to identifying and preserving the natural resources of Sumter County, the Trust informs citizens, sponsors environmental education activities, and develops sites where citizens can enjoy and appreciate the environmental treasures of the Black Belt Region. Endowment income provides funds for activities initiated by the Trust, as well as matching grants for individuals and organizations interested in fulfilling the goals of the Trust. A seven-member Board of Directors appointed by the UWA Board of Trustees administers the Trust and the chairperson is a is a faculty member in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.