Black Belt STEM Education Institute

The UWA Black Belt STEM Education Institute is dedicated to cultivating critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a passion for lifelong learning through inquiry, place based learning opportunities, high-quality professional development, student activities, and community and industry partnerships.

About Us

Our Goal:

Revitalization of STEM education in Alabama (particularly rural STEM education in the Black Belt Region) 

The UWA Black Belt STEM Education Institute is a powerful regional center for STEM education that aims to serve the hiring needs of employers across Alabama, but especially in the Black Belt. By offering supplemental curricula focused on providing students real­ world learning experiences in the context of innovation, design and technology, students develop an awareness of STEM career opportunities while simultaneously reinforcing academic standards and skills learned in the classroom.   

The UWA Black Belt STEM Education Institute, informed by research, expert STEM educators, school partners, business and industry demands, as well as other stakeholders including parents, community leaders and students, will serve as the hub organization central to a network of stakeholders dedicated to transforming STEM education in the West Alabama Black Belt region. This Collective Impact approach facilitates the effective use of resources to make measurable differences in STEM education. By addressing the primary areas impacting student achievement, recruitment of STEM teachers, retention of STEM teachers, and education of students using best practices in STEM education focused on the skills needed by business and industry, the UWA Black Belt STEM Education Institute will change the landscape of the Black Belt.

Upcoming Events

STEM Events

Terrific Technology Day

March 11
: Meridian Children’s Museum

Science Olympiad

April 30
: Hughes Gym
Time: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Sign up for Science Olympiad

Professional Development

Coming Soon!


The Black Belt STEM Education Institute has received TEAMS Approval and AMSTI Affiliation.
As such, we offer high-quality professional development sessions for math and science teachers.

TEAMS Approval

AMSTI Affiliation

If you have any questions, would like to know more about the Black Belt STEM Institute, or would like to work with the Institute to help improve STEM education in the region, please email

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