Immunization and Medical Records Verification for New Students 

For the safety of our campus community, all students are required to have certain up-to-date immunizations before arriving on campus. As such, all new students must verify their immunization and medical histories through our Student Medical Report and Immunization form. 

All incoming students, regardless of classification, must have the following vaccinations and documentation:  

  • Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine — All students born after 1956 must have had 2 doses of the vaccine. One dose must have been the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. A copy of a lab report showing proof of immunity from measles (rubeola), mumps and rubella can be submitted in lieu of the vaccine. 
  • TB Risk Questionnaire  
  • Immunization Form — Must be downloaded and submitted electronically via or via fax at (205) 652-3881. 

We recommend that all incoming students, especially those living in residence halls, have the following vaccination: 

  • Meningitis Vaccine (A, C, Y, W-135) — within the past five (5) years 

If a student is determined to be at risk for exposure to tuberculosis, a TB skin test will be required. If the TB skin test is positive, please submit either the results of a T-Spot blood test or a chest X-ray report from a physician stating no signs of tuberculosis. Students who are found to have a positive test will not be permitted to attend classes until follow-up testing can be completed and it is determined there is no active Tuberculosis disease. 

*Online Learners are not required to provide proof of immunizations. 

Failure to comply with Immunization and Medical Records Verification, including verification of all required immunizations, will result in an inability to register for classes and participate in other pre-fall activities such as athletics, band, cheerleader tryouts, practice or residence hall check-in. 

Individual Colleges, e.g., the College of Nursing, may have additional immunization requirements. These are general guidelines to be interpreted by the staff and subject to change based on the medical needs of the University. 

Medical history and immunization information MUST be submitted at least one month prior to your intended enrollment date: We recommend having everything verified prior to your attendance at UWA Orientation, as you will not be allowed to register for classes without being cleared. 

Immunization and Medical Records Form Instructions 

You MUST follow these instructions to submit the required medical history and immunization form. This form MUST be included in your medical history submission. Documentation without the required immunization form will not be accepted. 

  1. Click here to download and print your Student Medical Report and Immunization Form. 
  1. Complete all medical history information. 
  1. Have your medical provider complete your immunization certificate. 
  1. Scan the complete and signed form and any other documents (clear and readable photographs are acceptable) 
  1. Email or fax an image of your form to or (205) 652-3881. 

Once your form has been processed (Usually 48-72 hours), you will receive a confirmation email or an email regarding why we rejected what was submitted. 

If you have any questions, you can email or call (205) 652-3578.  

Be sure to include your student ID when you email or call. 

Due dates: 
Spring Term: Due by December 1 
Summer Term: Due by May 1 
Fall Term: Due by August 1 (or by the summer orientation date) 

If you previously completed your medical history and immunization via Med+ Proctor, please click here to access them.