Four students with a perfect 4.0 GPA tied for the Ralph M. Lyon Award, which is given annually to the graduating senior with the highest grade point average.
see full list of spring 2021 graduates
The University of West Alabama held spring commencement exercises on Saturday, May 8, in Tiger Stadium, with President Ken Tucker conferring undergraduate, master, education specialist, and doctoral degrees to students of the colleges of business, education, liberal arts, and natural sciences and mathematics, the division of nursing, and to the school of graduate studies. The nearly 700 students in the graduating class represent some 25 states across the U.S. and abroad.
Four students with a perfect 4.0 GPA tied for the Ralph M. Lyon Award, which is given annually to the graduating senior with the highest grade point average. The top four graduates were Haley Hatcher, a biology major from Greensboro, Alabama; Cheyenne Marin, an elementary education major from Demopolis, Alabama; Anna Morse, a cell and molecular biology major from Livingston, Alabama; and Nicholas Noland, an integrated marketing communications major from Arley, Alabama.
Graduating summa cum laude, with a GPA of 3.9 or above, were Jenni Aarniva, Michelle Campbell, David Castleberry, Zachary Collins, Haley Hatcher, Cheyenne Martin, Kylie Martin, Clayton McVay, Anna Morse, Nicholas Noland, Julian Rembert, Holly Syphrit, and Audrey Whitson.
Graduating magna cum laude, with a GPA of 3.75 to 3.89, were Loretta Collier, Brianna Forrest, Jenna Frye, Katie Jones, Whitney Lyles, Cassidy Pedram, James Taylor, and Xiaoning Wei.
Graduating cum laude, with a GPA of 3.5 to 3.74 were Keri Bates, Nicole Buccieri, Laurel Carrier, Angelina Causey, Dominique Collins, Khadija Easley, Skyler Frank, Sarah Hall, Haley Higginbotham, Erica Johnson, Keonna King, Mary Kirland, Frankie Malveo, Jr., Baleigh Marchant, Rachael Martinez, Luke McCray, Autumn Myers, Joseph Milligan, Lais Reaves, Kalton Roye, Nathaniel Sanford, Phillip Speake, Faith Standifer, Caleigh Wallace, Jerry Warren, and Sarah Wright.
Kelly McClure, assistant professor of nursing, was recognized as the 2021 recipient of the William E. Gilbert Award for Outstanding Teaching, which annually recognizes excellence in classroom instruction at UWA.
Three university faculty members were recognized upon their retirement, including Dr. Esther Howard, emeritus professor of elementary education, Dr. Dana Rolison, emeritus professor of elementary education, and Dr. Joe Taylor, emeritus professor of English.
Two distinguished alumni were inducted into the Society of the Golden Key. Former Tiger football standout Kevin Guy, head coach of the Arizona Rattlers was inducted in absentia, Rev. Patsy Chaney was inducted and also delivered the invocation and benediction for the ceremony.