Graduates will attend ceremony, friends and family can view online

The University of West Alabama has announced plans for honoring spring graduates at commencement exercises on July 31, held in a hybrid format to allow graduates’ families and friends to watch live online. Originally scheduled for May 9, the event was postponed in response to guidelines and social distancing orders to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and remains contingent upon the same.

Commencement exercises will be held on campus. To maintain safe distances, only graduates, faculty and essential university staff will be allowed in the facility. Friends and family can watch the ceremonies live at, and both will be available at the same address for later viewing. UWA’s commencement exercises have been broadcast via livestream for several years for those who could not attend the ceremonies.

“Since the outset of the pandemic, we have continually thought about and planned for this event, this tremendous milestone for our students who are now our newest graduates,” said Dr. Tim Edwards, provost at UWA. “This is not the ideal way we wish to honor our graduates and the friends and family who helped them along the way, but we want to have them on campus for this very special occasion before they move too far along in their journeys. In doing so, we will continue to take an abundance of precautions and uphold every standard possible to protect their health and safety.”

Students nor faculty are required to participate in commencement exercises.

“We understand that some individuals may wish to refrain from participation, and there are many who have expressed that they are eager to return for the occasion and are likewise committed to following the safety protocols necessary,” said Dr. Tina N. Jones, chair of commencement exercises at UWA. “We also understand that pandemic conditions may change between now and July 31, and we must be flexible and adapt to those changes and requirements.”

Health and safety protocols for commencement exercises planned for July 31 include, but are not limited to:

  • Social Distancing
  • Facial Coverings
  • Temperature & Symptoms Screenings
  • Sanitizer Stations
  • Limited number of persons allowed in facility
  • No large gatherings or congregating on campus
  • Other orders and restrictions as directed by authorities prior to event date

Updates and correspondence have been sent to graduates from their respective deans. For more information on commencement exercises, contact Dr. Tina N. Jones at