Natural Sciences & Mathematics News

UWA students participate in mass casualty simulation event.

Dalton Meador, a sophomore at the University of West Alabama, is unabashedly proud of his academic major. He fancies a career in health care, and he enjoys sports. Athletic training fulfills both desires.

University of West Alabama administrators have spent months planning the launch of a new program, UWA-TEACH, that’s designed to increase the quality of science and math instruction in public schools and the number of qualified teachers in those classrooms.
By the time fall arrives on the University of West Alabama campus, Dr. Reenay Rogers and her College of Education colleagues expect their newest endeavor to be worth the excitement it’s generating this winter.
On Alabama nights when clouds didn’t shroud the stars, Lucas Johnson and his father would haul a powerful telescope from their basement into an open space and explore the heavens. They lived “in the middle of nowhere,” a bit south of Decatur, where light pollution was rare as a neighborhood hockey game.
UWA Associate Professor of Sport Management LaJuan Hutchinson.
As an associate professor of sport management at the University of West Alabama, the 55-year-old Hutchinson is renowned for his passion for teaching, a willingness to mentor students, and his admitted love of sports. In May, Hutchinson was selected by the student body for the William E. Gilbert Award, one of UWA’s most prestigious annual honors that recognizes outstanding teaching and excellence in classroom instruction.
Dr. John McCall, dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University of West Alabama, is an unabashed fan of UWA’s biology program. The reasons are numerous, though one sits firmly atop his list.
Alabama, says Dr. Brian Keener, is the most biologically diverse state east of the Mississippi River. Home to large-scale forests, Appalachian foothills, coastal plains and miles of waterways, it’s also a treasure trove for researchers searching for novel species of plants.
Since 1991, the International Ichnofabric Workshop — a scientific conference related to the field of ichnology — has been held semi-annually across the globe, from Taipei to the Czech Republic, from Spain to Turkey. Livingston, Alabama, now belongs on that list.
UWA graduate student Olivia Canada

Had she preferred, Olivia Canada could have chosen an easier path to a master’s degree at the University of West Alabama. She could have taken her time, enjoyed the process, made a few memories. But that wasn’t her choice.

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